Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Call for Submission


Based on Psalm 103, God’s Benefit Package devotions remind readers of all the amazing things our Heavenly Father does for his people - from his compassion and mercy to his unfailing love and healing power.

We are looking for first-person, true stories of times in your life when God has proved faithful to his divine nature as described in Psalm 103 - whether it be forgiveness, healing, compassion, patience,  or any of the other ‘benefits’ listed in the chapter.

Benefit Package is a compilation project contracted with CrossRiver Publishing and has a tentative release date in early Summer 2012.


·         Deadline for submissions is December 23, 2011.
·         Devotions must include a verse (other than Ps. 103) along with the true story, practical application commentary and suggested prayer topic. Please indicate which benefit (including verse) in Psalm 103 you feel your story most closely fits.
·         Please include a brief bio to be included with the devotional.
·         Word count should be between 500 and 1000 words.
·         Topics include but are not limited to God’s forgiveness, healing, life-saving power, justice, compassion, mercy, patience and father-like nature. (Please see list of benefits in Ps. 103)
·         You may submit original or reprinted work, however if it is a reprint, please tell us where it was published and assure us you own the reprint rights. 
·         We will edit selected stories for clarity, consistency and style. We will not change factual information. If you are unwilling to allow edits, please do not submit.
·         If your story is selected, we will notify you by email by February or March 2012.
·         Contributors will receive a contributor credit along with one free copy of Benefit Package (working title). Author will also be able to order additional copies at a significantly discounted rate.
·         Please send submissions to submissions@crossrivermedia.com.

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